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Description / Kupaa Trip Deep Squeeze Hell

,,Excuse me? Deep squeeze hell? What a weird name for an onahole…"

If you are looking for an intense and stimulating pocket pussy, read on…

Intense texture without abruptness

A lot of the more stimulating onaholes feature thick, well defined textures: large, chunky ridges, big bumps, harsh edges and more like that. While that can feel great it can also cause irritation or chafing, with some points being overstimulated while others could still take a little more. Sometimes that one point that presses just a little too much or rubs a spot in the wrong way can keep you from reaching that amazing climax.

If that sounds familiar or if you think you’d prefer a more steady type of stimulation the Kupaa Trip Deep Squeeze Hell’s design might be worth a look.

While at first glance the texture looks like the “micro ridges'' we know from other onaholes, these are definitely a little more than micro. The fin-like ridges have a depth of up to 3mm and they cling onto your skin as you move past, creating steady, toe-curling pleasure. The tunnel has three stages: the first one is widest and also has the deepest ridges. After that the tunnel narrows twice more, each time becoming tighter.

The Kupaa Trip Deep Squeeze Hell is an onahole you might want to start off with slowly, and then build up to a faster and faster pace. You’ll find that the type of stimulation changes a lot depending on your speed, so be sure to experiment!

Lubricant for your onahole

Like most onahole with well-defined textures the lubricant will also affect your experience. The more lubricant, the less friction as you thrust, of course, but there's more than that: the viscosity of the lubricant plays an important role.

Thin, runny lubricant will cover the many ridges of the Deep Squeeze Hell only with the thinnest of layers, reducing the friction but not hiding the textures. If you want it to be as intense as possible, select a thin lubricant.

A thicker, more gel-like lubricant will not only reduce friction but also “smooth over” the textures a little, leading to a slightly more gentle stimulation.

Be sure to check out our water-based lubricants if you’re looking for a lube that’s made to work well with onahole, we have many different types!

Thanks to the way magic Eyes designed the entrance you won’t have to reapply unless you have very long sessions: the entrance closes snugly around you, and the “lube reservoir” just behind the entrance collects and reapplies lube with every stroke. This way there’s less leakage and your lube lasts longer.

Cleaning the Deep Squeeze Hell

Some people avoid onahole with deep textures because they fear it will be difficult to clean properly. Of course Magic Eyes knows this and kept it in mind during the design phase: the only deep ridges are at the first part of the tunnel, where you can easily reach with your fingers or a cleaning stick.

Cleaning works like with any other onahole: Simply rinse it thoroughly with cold or lukewarm water and make sure you loosen the lube and fluids so you can flush them out. Using a toy cleaner makes this easier. Then dry it well and store it in a toy sack.

High quality transparent material by Magic Eyes

For those who like x-ray hentai or enjoy seeing how your cock stretches out and fills up a tight tunnel, Magic Eyes has another special treat: the material is transparent! The see through pink material allows you to see exactly what’s going on inside.

Magic Eyes also places a lot of importance on only using materials that can be used safely and without any worry about your health, so they have a certification from the japanese ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare.

Kupaa Trip Deep Squeeze Hell in short

The intense tunnel with ridges of up to 3 mm thick intensifies as you plunge deeper, wrapping you in its tight embrace without any points of pressure or irritation. If you enjoy high stimulation you definitely have to try this!

Onahole length: 15 cm
Width: 6.7 cm
Tunnel length: 13.5 cm
Weight: 340 grams
Includes free lubricant sample and storage case

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More Information

Number of holes 1
Product weight 340.00 g
Reusable Is reusable
Theme Anime
Tunnel length 135.00 mm
Open/Closed Closed
Number of layers 1 layer

International Reviews

Review by N
Fühlt sich gut an ist aber leider sehr weich und verliert schnell die Form zudem ist es sehr klebrig.
Beim ersten mal aufmachen hat es muffig gestunken nicht leicht chemisch wie andere Onahole, sondern richtig muffig wie durchgeschwitzte alte Socken war nach einmal waschen weg aber trotzdem komisch.
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gibt besseres, für die Leistung zu teuer. angemessener Preis wäre nicht über 20€
Review by MCM
postitiv: enger Tunnel, gutes/stimulierendes Muster, enger Eingang
negativ: sehr weiches Material, hält Form nicht, Eingang schnell beschädigt. Oberfläche Klebrig, zieht Dreck/staub/Flusen an. Das viel zu weiche Material lässt das OnaHole and Intensivität verlieren und leiert den Tunnel schnell aus.
Verbesserungsvorschlag: Eine härtere Außenschicht aufbringen um es somit in Form zu halten und härteres Material für das enge Ende und den Eingang verwenden wo es am meisten ausleiert.

Kommentar zur Nutzung: die ersten Male waren atemberaumbend und führten zu einem Intensiven Orgasmus. Durch die schnelle Abnutzung/Ausleiern verlor es jedoch sehr schnell an Stimulierung. Nach 3 Wochen Nutzung hält es mit den anderen Produkten in der Preisklasse garnicht mehr mit und wird bald traurig entsorgt.
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