Description / Kupaa Trip Mattari Soft
Kupaa Trip Mattari Soft - Renewed and improved Onahole
Are you looking for a pocket pussy that is soft and gentle, but not boring? The Kupaa Trip Mattari Soft by Magic Eyes has luxuriously soft material and a fascinating “Five Core” structure.
Steampunk themed onahole
Isn’t steampunk a little 2015? Not if it’s up to Magic Eyes! And if we see this packaging we’re more than willing to let it have a little revival, too…
The Kupaa Trip’s packaging features art of a cute female mechanic in a steampunk outfit, lying on her back with her shapely legs spread. Did she fall while working on an airship? Is she trying to clear her head before working on complex equations again? Was she the one who designed this onahole, with its new techniques? We might never know.
Soft, realistic onahole
The Kupaa Trip Mattari Soft is an onahole with a slightly unusual look. The outside layer has a soft red colour which we don’t see often. It is shaped like a rounded-off cylinder with a slightly thicker front, but also has a number of cogs and ridges embedded in it. Not something we see often, but it definitely gives some extra grip. At 340 grams, this onahole is perfect for using with one hand.
Triple layer design:
- The red outside layer of this onahole is made of a very soft and supple material. Not only does it feel soft to the touch, it also stretches very easily.
- Dark red middle layer: while not visible without cutting your onahole open, this dark red layer keeps the inside and outside together, creating a strong bond.
- Light pink inside layer: The material on the inside of the Kupaa Mattari Trip Soft is luxuriously soft and yielding. When you penetrate the pocket pussy, you’ll feel it mould around you, adjusting its shape and clinging to you gently.
Five Core Design: tighter and tighter
This steampunk engineer’s pussy has been designed in order to give you optimal pleasure without becoming overstimulating.
As you open up the entrance of this pussy, the first major thing you will encounter is the tight hymen. As you enter through this tight stimulating hole you will get to the main attraction. The inside of the tunnel is covered with countless bumps that work together like a well-oiled machine to pleasure your glans with each passing!
As you continue along the gears of this pleasure machine, the path of bumps takes you left and right, up and down. You will notice that the bumps and stimulations repeat with each gear you pass, but get smaller the deeper you go. This means that the stimulation from the bumps will actually get more and more precise, meaning more pleasure for you. Another great thing about the Kupaa Trip Mattari Soft is the fact that, even though the tunnel might be 13,5 cm long, you’ll be surprised at how much pussy can stretch out. The stretching is both over the length and the width, so no matter your size, you will be able to enjoy this nice onahole.
How to use and clean the Kupaa Trip Mattari Soft
Inside the box you will find the Kupaa Trip Mattari Soft inside a plastic tray perfect for storing onahole after usage. Below the plastic tray you will also find a small package of lube, but we still advise you to get some more for the future if you don’t already have some! Check out our collection of personal lubricant and choose your favourite lubricant.
After you are done with each session, be sure to clean your Kupaa Trip Mattari Soft properly. This way, you can ensure the durability and longevity of your new onahole. Be sure to check out our pocket pussy cleaning products if you want to clean your sex toys properly.
The Kupaa Trip Mattari Soft in short
The Kupaa Trip Mattari Soft is a triple layered onahole with a lot of flexible softness. Covered with massaging pleasure bumps as you go deeper, the tunnel of this steampunk onahole zigzags to a pleasurable end.
Weight: 425gr
Length: 15cm
Width: 6,7cm
Tunnel length: 13,5cm
Material: MagicEyeSkin
Made by: MagicEyes

Customer Reviews
Texture feels very smooth, not too much sensation, but thats what soft is for.
Quite a tight cling, especially towards the end but not much vacuum possible due to softness.
Overall a good product, would recommend.
From start to end of the tunnel there are a lot of different enjoyable moments.
Short strokes, long strokes, it invites to try them all.
More Information
Number of holes | 1 |
Product weight | 425.00 g |
Reusable | Is reusable |
Theme | Anime |
Tunnel length | 135.00 mm |
Open/Closed | Closed |
Number of layers | 3 layers |
International Reviews
This toy is super soft, but it also has one of the best textures I've ever felt on an ona.
This has to be in my top 3 and is absolutely worth the price.
It has a bit of an odd apperance with the cogs and all, but who cares when it feels so good!
One thing to note is my product has the end of the hole a bit far off center. Im not sure if this is a defect or just how its supposed to be made, but I feel like I have to be super cautious using this ona as to not go thought the end of the hole.
Dafür mussten aber auch die ein oder anderen stellen leiden.
Also passt auf, das ist leider sehr wichtig wenn ihr länger etwas davon haben wollt.
Geht nicht zu grob mit dem toy um!
Ganz besonders wenn es um tiefe geht.
Das ende des onaholes ist genauso weich und elastisch wie der rest, aber leider nicht so stabil strukturiert.
Es reißt nachbund nach von innen nach außen ein.
Am ende stößt ihr dann einfach durch und wisst nicht wieso.
Wie bei einem gummiband das zu lange auf spannung gehalten wurde.
Hier mal ein bild:
Das ist die rückseite..
Speaking of which, both times I used this onahole and finished, my erection would not subside. I could go for another round right after, but I decided not to since I don't want to desensitize myself to this onahole. But I think it's important to point out that this onahole manages to not make me go limp. I know, sounds crazy but I was throbbing and ready to go again, both times, a feature no other onahole has managed to accomplish. So, if you like gooning (continuos sessions), this onahole should be your #1 pick.
Cleaning is very simple and easy, it's not too complicated, and the material seems very durable, the soldering on the two materials is top notch, I inspected where they connect and it's all smoothly connected. The only small downside is, that it smells a little I guess. But that negative is easily outweighed by the fact how amazing this onahole feels. If you like soft onaholes this is a must buy, BUY NOW! And if you usually like harder onaholes, still buy it, you might be surprised how intense a soft hole can feel when designed correctly.
I just hope MotsuToys does not discontinue this Toy in the future, this is their absolute best soft toy and I will buy another one soon, just so I can stock up and have one in reserve. Absolute master-piece.
Speaking of which, both times I used this onahole and finished, my erection would not subside. I could go for another round right after, but I decided not to since I don't want to desensitize myself to this onahole. But I think it's important to point out that this onahole manages to not make me go limp. I know, sounds crazy but I was throbbing and ready to go again, both times, a feature no other onahole has managed to accomplish. So, if you like gooning (continuos sessions), this onahole should be your #1 pick.
Cleaning is very simple and easy, it's not too complicated, and the material seems very durable, the soldering on the two materials is top notch, I inspected where they connect and it's all smoothly connected. The only small downside is, that it smells a little I guess. But that negative is easily outweighed by the fact how amazing this onahole feels. If you like soft onaholes this is a must buy, BUY NOW! And if you usually like harder onaholes, still buy it, you might be surprised how intense a soft hole can feel when designed correctly.
I just hope MotsuToys does not discontinue this Toy in the future, this is their absolute best soft toy and I will buy another one soon, just so I can stock up and have one in reserve. Absolute master-piece.
Dit is echt een "sleeve". Iets zoals een wollen kous ofzo, maar dan in rubber.
De texturen zijn zeker goed, maar omdat het materiaal zo zacht en beweeglijk is, moet je al eens ronddraaien om de genuanceerde ribbels en bobbeltjes te voelen. Net omdat de structuur er zo druk uitziet had ik meer verwacht!
Niet te geweldig zijn ook is de boodschap, omdat ik dikwijls de indruk had, dat ik er door ging zitten op het einde. Ja, zo slap is dit spul wel.
Al bij al een goed product, maar eerder voor de gebruiker die een "echtere" ervaring van een goed ingewerkte kut wil. Wil je een nauwere en meer voelbare ervaring dan zou ik toch best verder kijken, maar ben je eerder het type dat wil genieten tientallen minuten aan een stuk en het zachtjes aan en heel mindfull doet, dan is dit iets voor jou!
Voor de mensen die besneden zijn en bang zijn dat ze niks gaan voelen, omdat hun voorhuid al wat meer "gehard" is, dit is ook voor hen. Je zal iets voelen, je moet gewoon wat meer rond draaien.