Description / KYO Plush Doll DX
The Perfect Companion
Improve your masturbation experience with a soft yet erotic doll compatible with your favorite onahole. The KYO Plush Doll DX is a 4.5kg plushie with a complete set of limbs. Whether you like to wrap its arms and legs around you or thrust your way inside it, this Plush Doll will give you the intimacy and comfort you desire!
Feel the warmth of a fluffy companion
The KYO Plush Doll DX is a sex doll full of plush fabric that is non-toxic and safe on the skin. Additionally, the doll’s outer skin is durable enough to handle the weight of a person lying on top of it without tearing it apart. So, thanks to its durability and versatility, you could use the KYO Plush Doll DX as your companion in every fantasy you want.
Here are more of the exciting features of the KYO Plush Doll DX:
Suitable for any position and could fit different onaholes!
Unlike other sex dolls made of TPE or rubber material that have fragile cores and cannot sit on their own, the KYO Plush Doll has hip and shoulder joints inside. These joints allow you to bend, stand, or sit the doll in any position you want. Even though this doll has a pair of supple breasts, it will not fall forward in a sitting position.
This doll has stable interior parts maintaining the posture and balance of the KYO Plush Doll DX so that you can twist and turn it into any position you want. You can fuck this sex doll while lying on the bed or sitting on a couch. You could also test your stamina by trying different sexual positions with this doll and see which position you could last the longest.
Not only that, but you could also insert your preferred onaholes inside the hole of this sex doll. The KYO Plush Doll DX features a pull-string lock to tighten the onahole once you insert it. This pull-string mechanism helps the onahole to attach tightly without falling off, regardless of how intense your thrusts are.
The hole of the KYO Plush Doll DX could fit onaholes, pocket pussies, and fleshlights with a length of up to 27 cm and a width of up to 8 cm. With the zipper on the back, it is easier to put the onahole in place.
Loosen the pull-string to insert your toy, then tighten it once you place your toy in the position you want. With this mechanism, your KYO Plush Doll DX would look like it has its own naturally protruding vagina, ready to service you.
Use it for comfort, whichever you prefer!
Most people want to get more out of their sex dolls, and that is why KYO Plush Doll DX offers a hole for you to stroke your manhood in, but you could also cuddle with it. You could wrap its arms and legs around you to help you sleep.
Height: 74 cm
Head circumference: 68 cm
Chest circumference: 75 cm
Arm circumference: 25 cm
Back to leg: 40 cm
Onahole Slot
Depth: 27 cm
Diameter: 8 cm
You find the KYO Plush Doll DX for the best price here at MotsuToys

More Information
Product weight | 4,500.00 g |
International Reviews
It's shape is appealing, though I can't help but feel like the head was an afterthought.
The joints feel sturdy, but you probably shouldn't be too rough with the doll for the limbs might come off.
I reckon it could be used for positions where you're either kneeling or sitting down. It can't stand up, as it's knees are bent permanently.
The onahole pocket is a bit cramped: even when using the back opening, putting one in is kinda difficult because of the dense stuffing. I tend to use a plastic adapter for it anyways.
The strap, however, is a very good idea. It can even provide additional pressure.
The lack of suitable accessories, like face masks, limits the fun that can be had with it.
But if you're creative, you'll find a way. Just make sure not to destroy it in the process.
At least it will fit most S or M sized clothing due to it's sizeable proportions.
Overall, it's a decent doll with a few caveats. It doesn't help I already had a different fabric doll before buying this one, so I'm not really using it.
I intended to buy it as an upgrade of sorts, but that didn't really work out.
If you don't already have a doll and you're on the fence, this is a decent starting point.
Service wise, I can't complain as nothing went wrong.
It's shape is appealing, though I can't help but feel like the head was an afterthought.
The joints feel sturdy, but you probably shouldn't be too rough with the doll for the limbs might come off.
I reckon it could be used for positions where you're either kneeling or sitting down. It can't stand up, as it's knees are bent permanently.
The onahole pocket is a bit cramped: even when using the back opening, putting one in is kinda difficult because of the dense stuffing. I tend to use a plastic adapter for it anyways.
The strap, however, is a very good idea. It can even provide additional pressure.
The lack of suitable accessories, like face masks, limits the fun that can be had with it.
But if you're creative, you'll find a way. Just make sure not to destroy it in the process.
At least it will fit most S or M sized clothing due to it's sizeable proportions.
Overall, it's a decent doll with a few caveats. It doesn't help I already had a different fabric doll before buying this one, so I'm not really using it.
I intended to buy it as an upgrade of sorts, but that didn't really work out.
If you don't already have a doll and you're on the fence, this is a decent starting point.
Service wise, I can't complain as nothing went wrong.
Ich hatte veranlasst, dass der Artikel zu einer DHL-Packstation gebracht wird aber dafür war sie etwas zu groß wäre schon gewesen, wenn der Kundenservice mich darüber vorher informiert hätte.
Ich habe das Produkt über die Weihnachtsaktion mit Rabatt bestellt und fix in einer unauffälligen Kiste mit der großen Aufschrift "Plush Toy" geliefert bekommen. :D
Ich besitze verschiedene Real Dolls in Lebensgröße aus Silikon und TPE. Diese Göttinnen sind unvergleichlich schöner als dieses Produkt.
ABER, Real Dolls:
- können nicht selbstständig stehen
- kosten 1000€ aufwärts
- sind empfindlich und zerbrechlich
- ziehen Staub an
- Kleidung färbt schnell ab
- müssen regelmäßig gepudert werden (TPE)
- das Skelett kann rosten
- Schimmelbildung im Inneren ist möglich
- Beweglichkeit ist gerade bei Silikon eingeschränkt
- das Gewicht beträgt 30 bis 50 kg
- die diskrete Lagerung will gut geplant sein.
Warum schreibe ich das alles? Weil das gleichzeitig die Liste der Vorteile dieses Produktes ist. DIESES Produkt ist außer beim Aussehen in allen anderen Punkten den Real Dolls überlegen, und zwar haushoch. Dieses Produkt ist problemlos beweglich, Du kannst es hübsch anziehen wie du willst, Strumpfhose, Kleid, Perücke aufs Köpfchen, Parfüm drauf und Onahole rein und schon hast du ein kleines, propperes Modepüppchen mit voller Funktion. :D
Normale Kleidung Größe S und XS, sowie handelsübliche Perücken passen.
Die rudimentär dargestellten Finger und Zehen hängen zusammen, so dass sie recht robust sind. An gut gewählten Stellen finden sich Nähte, so dass eine gewisse Anatomie mit den vorhandenen Mitteln gut dargestellt ist.
Das Inset im Schritt hat einen relativ geringen Durchmesser, so dass sehr große Onaholes evtl. nicht reinpassen. Das sollte man wissen. Dafür sitzen normale Onaholes schön straff. Die Länge des Insets ist sehr lang.
Das Produkt hält Missionar und Doggy-Stellungen, also das was RealDolls auch hinbekommen. Zusätzlich kannst Du diese Puppe aber richtig hochheben, wuscheln, herumtragen, Reiten lassen, und an Dich pressen, also das was mit Real Dolls aus Gewichtsgründen schwierig werden kann.
Das Einzige, was ich mir für die Zukunft noch wünsche, sind Silikon Gesichtsmasken, die man dem auf den pelzigen Kullerkopf ziehen kann. Im Crossdresser Bereich gibt es Produkte, die zeigen was möglich ist. Alternativ als Budget-Variante kann ich mir auch bedruckte Stoffmasken im Anime Style sehr gut vorstellen.