Description / MotsuToys Essentials Starter Kit
This Motsu Starter Kit offers 4 essential products in a very affordable bundle. The Starter Kit consists of:
TYO lubricant 360 (value €14.95)
This water-based lubricant feels great and stays wet for a long time. Its unique Japanese-style recipe makes it perfect for use with onaholes. It's safe for your toys and it's safe for your body - and 360 mls will last a long while!
TYO lubricant is thicker than most lubes commercially available in the West. This means you need less of it, and less of the lube leaks out of your onahole during use.
KYO Toy Sack Small (value €4.95)
Storing your onaholes well is essential if you want to make sure they last a long time. KYO Toy Sacks are perfect for this, since they are made of a breathable material which doesn't leave lint all over your onahole. This sex toy storage bag measures 15x30 centimeters. This means that onaholes with a length of a little under 30 cms and a diameter of a little under 15 centimeters will fit.
KYO Onahole Warmer (value €17.95)
If you want a better, more realistic experience an onahole warmer should absolutely be on your shopping list! This heating stick will heat up any pocket pussy to a lifelike body temperature. We recommend putting the lube in before the onahole warmer, so that the lube gets heated up as well.
This onahole heater has a built-in thermostat, which means it can't overheat and melt your onahole.
KYO Maintenance Powder (value €14.95)
Why would you need maintenance power? The answer is twofold: it feels better, and your onahole will last longer. After a while, onaholes can start feeling oily or sticky to the touch - this doesn't mean you didn't clean it well, it is a natural and unavoidable property of the material. How quickly it happens depends on the exact material used. With some onaholes it might be so slow that you hardly notice!
What maintenance powder does is create a barrier of finely-milled powder around the outside of your pocket pussy. This reduces the stickiness, which feels better and keeps dust and hair from sticking to the surface. But that isn't all: the outer layer also slows down the "leaking" process itself.
MotsuToys Starter Bundle Discount
If you bought all these products separately you would pay €52.80, but in this bundle you'll get them at the significantly discounted price of only € 35.95!
Please note that the sizes of the products in the image are out of proportion: the image is a combination of separate images.

Customer Reviews
to be clear the toy sack is small size so you may double check if it will fit your needs.
The sack is good for storing your onahole, but keep in mind that it's the small version. It doesn't fit the larger onaholes.
The onahole warmer is a must in my opinion. It really improves the experience. I bought a second one after trying it out, so I could warm up both holes of my onahole at the same time.
The maintenance powder does what it advertises, keeps the toy feeling fresh and non-sticky.
I can't review the lube because I received an substitute, as the original was on back-order (Great customer support though).
Service: Originally this was a different set of products but was out of stock. So, I sent a message to see if they could swap some items. Very soon after they responded saying they swapped out some products and made it cheaper!
Toy Sack(red zip) --> KYO toy sack
AG+ poweder --> KYO Maintanence Powder
KYO lube --> KYO lube
USB Onahole Warmer AUTO -->KYO Onahole Warmer
If I had to be honest, the quality of the products have been reduced slightly but the difference is very minor. The largest difference is the AG+ powder which according to most places is considered the pinnacle in maintenance powder. However, because of this, they also lowered the price which still makes it amazing in value. I would highly recommend this for a hassle free starter option.
Provide all the necessity to get you started for a reasonable price.
Kind of misleading description, it says you get "AUTO Warmer" but i was shipped some other one.
More Information
Product weight | 800.00 g |
International Reviews
- De AG+ poeder als je ONA droog is deze erop en hij voelt net zoals toen je hem uitpakte
- Zakje is prima
- De onahole warmer is zoals andere beschrijven goed.
Kan er wel voor 15 min - 20 min in voor een lekker termperatuur. Smelten van binnen lijkt me onwaarschijnlijk, omdat de
temp wel meevalt en je er lube in doet om heb erin te krijgen.
Verder was 5 min voor mij nog zeker niet warm genoeg.
Je recommande
Qualité au rendez vous et pour un petit prix!
- De poeder is zeer handig om te hebben en maakte mijn onahole gelijk minder kleverig
- De dikkerige glijmiddel is in mijn mening essentieel voor de beste onahole ervaring.
- het zakje is een leuke bonus
- en de usb warmer is geweldig. Bevat een leuk lampje dat knippert en warm snel op. Wellicht is het handig om een kleine powerbank te hebben zodat je de warmer niet aan de computer hoeft op te laden. Maar de kabel is zeker niet te kort.
- De KYO glijmiddel is de beste die er is, heerlijk dik wat het gevoel intenser maakt en ook nog eens heel zuinig want een klein beetje is genoeg.
- De AG+ poeder werkt echt en zorgt voor een antibacteriële laag en houdt de buitenkant van je onahole mooi.
- In het zakje passen de meeste onaholes tot midden-groot, blijft mooi beschermd en sluit goed. Het zakje laat ook lucht en vocht door zodat je onahole verder kan drogen.
- De onahole warmer is echt een genot, je hoeft hem maar enkele minuten in de ona te stoppen en je wordt gelijk verwelkomd door een heerlijk realistisch warm gleufje.
Het enige wat je nog hoeft toe te voegen is een onahole naar keuze!